Day 24 - Resurrect

Day 24 | Resurrect

Read or Listen below

Betraying our brother with
Puckered lips in a building with no roof
In disdain we look up at the clouds
And pretend not to see as
We babble like children in our
Golden gilded wooden block tower
Growing drunk on wine and bread
"Give us more cake," while
Clanging cymbals in the distance
Close in to choke out Life all while
We are busy drinking
blood feasting on human
Flesh, Because for freedom's fucking sake
We are free

And behind our arched back with
Closed eyes rolled back in pleasure,
The threads
Holding the earth together
Sweat in agony and
In the blood on the ground
Are written the words

Let it be.

Let it be,
Death and glory
Glory and mystery
Mystery and Fear
Fear and darkness
Darkness and Light
Light and heavy
Heavy and endless--
Endlessly unfathomable
Unfathomably discomforting
Yet comfortably uncertain in
Holy death

In the empty halls of
A Sanctuary echoing
Hallowed tomb
Where I used to play
And you stole your first kiss
We wonder
If we will evaporate into clouds
Fearing our own shadows
Desperately grasping
We burn ourselves down
Until we are naked and empty
Of flesh, blood, fire, water and all
Cutting Rahab's red chord
Crying out as newborns do
Relieved and afraid and in awe
To feel the strangeness of
Air in our lungs for the first time

We wait

Our Mother looks on
Tender smile pulling us
Into Her bosom
Our breathing stifled
Until the Sun comes
So close it leaves a scar
Then She says our name
And we know that we know
Her voice--
Betrayal unraveled
Hastily in excitement
We fold our sheet
Neatly but imperfectly
And beckon tenderly
To our Higher Nature, urgently
Now to remember, now
To RE-member, the pieces
Of a Body strong enough
Aged and wise enough
To hold the profane
As sacred
To roll back the stone and
Let the light back

Arms open to the Garden
Face up to the Sun,
Embracing the clouds our desire
No longer to consume
But to be consumed and to feed

We Resurrect

"Resurrect" by Elizabeth Quashie | Read by Stella Won Phelps

Reflection |

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (John 10:10) Consider the sacred role of desire in worship. Imagine what an abundant life-- a life you desire-- looks like, feels like, tastes like. This is an invitation to reflect on and seek rest in the promise that abundant life is in fact Love's own desire for you.

“You are beautiful as Tirzah, my love,
   comely as Jerusalem,
   terrible as an army with banners.
Turn away your eyes from me,
   for they overwhelm me!”

         -Song of Solomon 6:4-5a


"I’m Staying" - What Went Down at the UMC General Conference (Ep. 27)


Day 23 - Holy Fuck {Literally}