"I’m Staying" - What Went Down at the UMC General Conference (Ep. 27)

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Progress sometimes moves slowly, but there are warriors on the front line of battle. Ophelia Hu Kinney is one of them. As Communications Specialist for Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN), Ophelia attended the United Methodist Church General Conference and was witness to the heartbreaking passage of the non-affirming "Traditionalist" plan, which enforces bans on same-sex unions and ordination of gay clergy. Ophelia shares her personal experience from the conference, stories of grace and hope among defeat, and where she and the church go from here. Thank you so much Ophelia for all you do, and thank you everyone for listening!





Artificial Music - Before I Forget

Ikson - AM

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"This chapter, of begging people to love us, is over. Now we will lean into God, the one we know loves us unconditionally." - Hannah Adair Bonner


Day 25 - Carbon Imago


Day 24 - Resurrect