Advent 2019, Liturgy Advent 2019, Liturgy

Advent 2019 - Day 10 - Being Hope to One Another

I grew up with what I called a wannabe “white savior complex,” also known as, “model minority.” My parents were saved by missionaries during the Khmer Rouge. I grew up seeing missionaries as my heroes and decided at the age of18, I would do such. My naïve pride expected me to teach the little Cambodian children English and guide them to Christ. I didn’t realize the injustice I was perpetuating by repeating the message I was taught that “Look at me! God brought me here to bring you salvation and you need to prevent your sins from my teaching.” Halfway through that “mission” trip, I ended up mistaking my homesickness by looking down at the others.

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Day 24 - Resurrect

Consider the sacred role of desire in worship. Imagine what an abundant life-- a life you desire-- looks like, feels like, tastes like. This is an invitation to reflect on and seek rest in the promise that abundant life is in fact Love's own desire for you.

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