I am enough
“Too much.”
“Not enough.”
“You don’t matter.”
These are the lies that I’ve internalized, that I’ve woven into every fiber of my being. I’m trying to untangle them now, and it’s a strange process. For the past few months, this has been my prayer.
Day 37 - Creating Rituals
We each have our own multifaceted relationship to the rhythms that have shaped us. Some we keep, sometimes improvising and re-creating it as our patterns of life change. Others we discard, knowing that they aren’t right for our souls right now.
Day 29 - Mama Hug
One of the truest things I have come to know through my craft is that we parents, in the most mundane things, in the way we dress our children, and the way we make them food full of nutrition (or not, as is the case sometimes in our home), we are putting our love for our loved ones into tangible, physical objects.
Day 24 - Resurrect
Consider the sacred role of desire in worship. Imagine what an abundant life-- a life you desire-- looks like, feels like, tastes like. This is an invitation to reflect on and seek rest in the promise that abundant life is in fact Love's own desire for you.