Advent 2019 - Day 5 - The Urgency to Pursue Hope

When I was given this passage to reflect on, I had a hard time writing about something that was positive. As I was reading the verses surrounding this passage, I remembered that our administration used this chapter of Romans to justify the cruel and inhumane family separations happening on our southern border. Some translations have listed “sexual immoralities” and the use of this phrase has been used to shame individuals, especially women, queer folks, and those with different sexual ethics. Also, any passage mentioning “salvation” reminds me of the exclusive yet intrusive nature of many Christian groups.

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Day 24 - Resurrect

Consider the sacred role of desire in worship. Imagine what an abundant life-- a life you desire-- looks like, feels like, tastes like. This is an invitation to reflect on and seek rest in the promise that abundant life is in fact Love's own desire for you.

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Lent 2019, Liturgy Lent 2019, Liturgy

Day 8 - Here, For Now, For Love

How did I end up here? And where is Here?

For myself, Here is Kansas City. Here is being a graduate student in my mid-30s. Here is being a mom of two kids. Here is identifying as bisexual and having this identity erased because I am married to a man. Here is often being the only Asian American in any given room because of that other Here: the Midwest. Here is recognizing that I no longer fit neatly into any particular label of “Christian,” and wondering, why do I stay?

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