Day 32 - Church
“Let’s go worship at church.”
It’s funny how this phrase has two completely different meanings depending on which community I’m in. Uttered in my bible study group it refers to sitting in rows singing praise songs in a converted office building on a Sunday morning. Uttered in my gay dodgeball team (we’re called the Deep Throwers) it refers to dancing to pop and dance music Saturday night on the crowded dance floor at Saloon, a local gay bar downtown.
Day 31 - The Eucharist is My Coconut Dance
I would imagine at the Last Supper, it was more like a teddy bear.
Here, take this comfort item. There’s a scary scene coming up in the movie.
But I wasn’t at the Last Supper or the crucifixion, so the Eucharist is more like Maglalatik for me. For those who’ve never seen the Filipino coconut dance, it’s a fun one. Dancers strap coconut shells to their bodies and hold more coconut shells in their hands. They tap them together, click, click. They tap their own bodies, each other’s bodies. They bounce in different group formations and leap frog over each other. The music is light. Maglalatik is performed at big group gatherings, so picture yourself watching it while surrounded by your extended family and community.
Day 30 - Holding More Than The Dust
I have a two-year-old son who is new to the ways of the world. He is a voracious eater and a passionate lover of “boo-booberries,” “stwawberries,” and “’nanas”. When he sits down to eat and we may be busy in the kitchen, he’ll demand, “Mommy, eat! Daddy, eat!” And when we sit down, he’ll hand us some of his treasured fruit. Much to the chagrin of my partner, I joked one day, “Son, don’t you know that if you give us some, it means less for yourself?” He had no idea what I meant, but unconcerned with the economy of selfishness, continued to place a blueberry in front of me.
Day 29 - Mama Hug
One of the truest things I have come to know through my craft is that we parents, in the most mundane things, in the way we dress our children, and the way we make them food full of nutrition (or not, as is the case sometimes in our home), we are putting our love for our loved ones into tangible, physical objects.
Day 28 - Artist Reflection [SELAH]
we reflect on sacred within the profane, profane within the sacred this week.
Day 27 - Honesty As An Expression of Worship
There may be moments and seasons in life where we walk alone, because let’s face it, there are some portions of the journey where we ourselves are the only ones who have been tasked to navigate.
Day 26 - Rooted Places, Sacred Spaces
I am planting a thousand seeds in my garden/Rows and rows of plants incubating and burrowing their roots deep intoBrooklyn soil as the winter chill wanes into an April spring
Day 24 - Resurrect
Consider the sacred role of desire in worship. Imagine what an abundant life-- a life you desire-- looks like, feels like, tastes like. This is an invitation to reflect on and seek rest in the promise that abundant life is in fact Love's own desire for you.