Just Smash it Down a Little (Ep. 50)

In the last episode, Melissa and Serena Cerezo-Poon shared their conception journey. In today’s episode, we fast forward to parenting. How are Serena and Melissa raising their child? How do they handle division of labor or outside gender expectations? As they discuss, in some ways same-sex parenting can be super ordinary, and yet they also appreciate how much they inspire others who want to raise children of their own. Thank you again Serena and Melissa for sharing a snapshot of your life with us, and for the many ways you are role models not just for Nemo but for the rest of us! And thank you everyone for listening!


tubebackr - District 19

DayFox & BraveLion - Soulmates

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"We, the undersigned, united as people of faith, the Asian diaspora, and the spiritual descendants of Asian American activists, choose to write this letter to you, because silence is complicity. We refuse to be complicit in harming your collective communities.” - A Letter to Our Black Siblings, in Solidarity 


A Decolonized Reading List for Children aged 3-5


Do The Thing: First steps