Do The Thing: First steps

For those of us APIDAs (Asian Pacific Islander Desi Americans) who want to begin (or continue) anti-racist work, here is a list of ways to get started. This list of action items is not comprehensive, and that’s by design. We know it feels super overwhelming and when we don’t have enough whelm, we freeze and don’t do anything at all. That said, let’s get to it!

Follow people doing the work

You spend time on social media anyways; might as well fill your feed with people who will educate you and provide timely action steps. If you are able, please support them financially.

Brittany Packnett Cunningham
Activist, Educator, Writer. CurrentNBC News and MSNBC Contributor.
@mspackyetti (Instagram)

Rachel Cargle
Public academic, writer, and lecturer.
@rachel.cargle (Instagram)

Andre Henry
Writer, musician, and self-described troublemaker.
@theandrehenry (Instagram), @andrehenry (Twitter)

Advocacy campaign led by a majority female, majority African team of professionals based in Kampala, Uganda.
@nowhitesaviors (Instagram)

The Conscious Kid
Education, research, and policy organization dedicated to reducing bias and promoting positive identity development in youth.
@Theconsciouskid (Instagram)

Use your money

One effect of hundreds of years of systemic racial injustice is unjust distributions of wealth. Consider using some of your money towards a good cause.

  • Donate to underfunded and lesser known bail funds.
  • Donate to organizations working to defund the police, like Black Lives Matter
  • Buy from Black-owned businesses (hint: use the Google).

Use Your Voice

Leverage your voice and social networks for good. The narratives we tell in our relationships, the words that we choose when we react to a current event, or even the language we use in daily living - these all shape how our peers and spheres of influence interpret reality.

  • Talk to your family and friends, using resources like Letters for Black Lives.
  • Call your elected officials.
  • Amplify Black voices and stories on your social media.


Don’t just read this article. Take action, and invite others to join in with you. Anti-racist work isn’t something we do one, but everyday choices and patterns of life. In the coming weeks, we’ll continue sharing stories, resources, and practical next steps.

*Editor's note: an earlier version of the article listed Campaign Zero as an organization to donate to.


Just Smash it Down a Little (Ep. 50)


For APIDAS Who Want to Do The Thing