Zora and Ada Who Live in Maine (Ep. 28)
As a precocious, queer freshman at Amherst College, Ophelia took it upon herself to join InterVarsity, because she wanted to find out more about this Christian thing. (Because that’s what queer young adults from non-religious childhoods do when they attend a secular, liberal arts college, right?) A few years later, she met the women who would become her wife, and they would eventually move to Portland, Maine. In this episode, we ask Ophelia what it’s like to be one of the few Asian Americans living in her city, what inspired her and her wife to launch a blog directed towards LGBTQ Christians, what her relationship is like with her non-Christian parents, and how she finds power and freedom in the strength of words. Thank you for listening!
Queering the Kin-dom: https://queeringthekindom.com/
Vons - Sunbeam
Mosaic - Lahar
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