Whiteness is a Hell of a Drug (Ep. 39)
Rev. Tuhina Verma Rasche deserves her own standup comedy special. Her humor is the perfect vehicle for communicating her wisdom on topics like decolonization and white supremacy. Tuhina is a second-generation Indian-American raised in a devout Hindu household and now ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ECLA). In this episode she talks about the need for a decolonized Christianity and what that looks like. She also gets real about being a female Indian-American pastor in an overwhelmingly white denomination, and how she finds ways to press on in the face of systematic oppression. (Hula hooping may be involved.) Thank you so much Tuhina for sharing your insight and infectious enthusiasm on the podcast! And thank you everyone for listening!
Tuhina Verma Rasche: https://www.tuhinavrasche.com/media
meshdunami - The Shining
Scandinavianz - Around the Sea
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