When You Disagree with Those You Love (Ep. 8)

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Do you have a family member or loved one who voted for Donald Trump? Or thinks women can’t be pastors? Or is non-affirming? Things get personal as Lydia, Liz, and David share stories about conflicts with people they deeply care about. And how they wish they handled it better. (Lydia, grab a tissue!) 

Today’s topic was inspired by an article about an adopted Korean American who stopped speaking to her white mother since the election of Donald Trump. Mother and daughter are featured in a short video where the two talk about their differences and try to find a way to reconcile. Thank you Marian Sunabe for posting about this story on the PAAC Facebook group!

Link: http://www.businessinsider.com/divided-family-donald-trump-election-undividing-america-2017-7

Music:YR - The Little Fish’s TaleAaditt – Pupa

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