What We Take For Granted: Same Sex Pregnancy (Ep. 49)
Imagine you and your same sex partner decide you want to conceive a child. Navigating the world of fertility options can quickly become a minefield -- from finding the right doctor, to interpreting insurance coverage, to understanding state-by-state legal challenges. And that's all before the expensive and sometimes heart-rending process of IUI or IVF.
Melissa and Serena Cerezo-Poon are veterans of this experience, and have come out the other side with their beautiful child. In this episode, they go into detail about their conception journey, hard choices they had to make, and what did and didn't help them get pregnant. Thank you Serena and Melissa for your willingness to be transparent about what remains a murky and confusing topic.
Also in this episode, Ophelia Hu Kinney makes her debut as co-host along with Liz. Welcome to the podcasting team, Ophelia! Thank you for your thought provoking questions. And thank you everyone for listening!
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DayFox & BraveLion - Soulmates
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“With any of the insurance coverage, they want you to do your own ‘trying’ for a year before you’re diagnosed with fertility issues. As a lesbian couple, how the hell are you supposed to do that?” - Tatiana Quiroga, https://www.fastcompany.com/90378575/it-cost-more-than-180000-to-start-our-family