We Were Raised in a Bubble (Ep. 38)

Rev. Thomas Yang grew up in a Korean Christian bubble in the suburbs of Chicago. That is, until the bubble burst and he was fractured from that community. In this episode, Thomas shares of how a queer Christian pastor, the curiosity of kindergarteners, and a series of coincidences led him toward his progressive faith. He also talks about his intent to start a non-traditional church in Seattle, and how that played out in unexpected ways. Thank you so much Thomas and Aya for coming on the podcast. Shout out to the Seattle PAAC community! And thank you for listening! 

Seattle PAAC / SPAAC: https://www.seattlepaac.org/

SPAAC SNACC podcast: https://diverging.paachristians.org/spaacsnacc/


meshdunami - The Shining

SilentCrafter - Reflona

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Email: admin @ paachristians . org

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Sustainability as a Decolonizing Liturgical Practice (Part 2)


Why Not?