Wait, this isn’t Wrigley Field?? :) (Ep. 33)
We continue our conversation with Sung Yeon Choimorrow,executive director of NAPAWF, the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum.Sung Yeon shares about her experience growing up in South Korea, Singapore, andIndia, before coming to the United States. She also shares about living inChicago, her experience attending Wheaton College, and what it’s like to be anordained pastor working as a community organizer and activist. Thank you againSung Yeon for sharing your journey with us. And thank you for listening!
NAPAWF: https://www.napawf.org/
Sung Yeon: https://twitter.com/schoimorrow
Niwel Eneko Artola - Duality
Ikson - Take Off
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“Chicago’s population is staying afloat because of a continued influx of Asian immigrants. The number of Chicago-region residents born in Asia has increased by 60,000 since 2010 … While some traditionally Mexican Chicago neighborhoods like Pilsen have been hit by gentrification pressures, Chinatown and other neighborhoods south of the downtown Loop have generally been shielded, said David Wu, executive director of Pui Tak Center, a church-based community center next to the Chinatown gate.” - Matt Vasilogambros https://www.governing.com/topics/finance/sl-illinois-sees-population-decline.html