Lent 2019, Liturgy Lent 2019, Liturgy

Day 15 - dear church

I was wondering-wandering through the spaces of lesser pains and worse pains of the lent, that makes it more than a linear moving-across from the ‘God’ to the ‘Godless’ and/or from “Godless” to “God”. I/i continue to see and unsee Godless in the Godly and vice-versa as beauty must always be preceded by ugliness, which makes ugliness a prerequisite of beauty. Beauty is ugly in another key.

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Lent 2019, Liturgy Lent 2019, Liturgy

Day 9 - Healing / Profanity

Schoolteacher life. It’s nothing like the movies or the many myths that seem to persist about public education. I never wanted to be a shiny white savior like Michelle Pfeiffer, and that option isn’t available to Asian American me, anyway. The complexities that students and their families bring into school spaces are never solved in the 99 minutes it takes to watch Dangerous Minds. You definitely should expect more tears, sarcasm, yelling, eyerolls, bored glares, than hugs and applause.

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