Spiritual but not religious? Or religious but not spiritual? (Ep. 30)

We continue our conversation with Dr. David Congdon, as he walks us through his journey from Portland, Oregon to Princeton Theological Seminary, and eventually to the suburbs of Kansas City. David tells us how his views have evolved since writing his book, the challenges of finding diversity in the Midwest, the current state of the academy (hint: not great), and the joys he finds in writing. David also describes a radically different model of practicing “church” that involves virtually no liturgy but centers around reading newspapers and community organizing. Thank you again David Congdon for sharing your journey with us! And thanks for listening!   

David’s blog, The Fire and the Rose: https://fireandrose.blogspot.com/


Ikson - Harmony 

Cloudchord - Soul Food Horns

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“Man is always on the way.” - Rudolph Bultmann

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