
Perfection isa treasure hunt,an endless searchfor a brighter horizonand a biggertreasure chest.Perfection is aa journey,towards a miragethat dissipatesas you draw near it.Perfection isa marathonof endurance.Surely,everythingcan beimprovedif you’re willingto endure whatit takes to improve.As a womanas a Koreanas an Americanas a ChristianI have been toldthat I am toendure.I am to beabove reproach,never tiring,excellent,anddemureandgentleandmodestandhumbleandlovely and never vainsuccessful and never braggingindependent and never leadingself-sufficient and never selfishstraightandpureandthinandPerfect.I tell myself thatall this pressureis meant to turnme,a lump of coal,into a diamond.And then I learnthat you don’tget diamondsfrom coal.Besides,what good is a diamond?It has no value,no purposeon its own.(Honestly, they’re not all that rare anyway.They’re only worth what the industry claims they are).But coal,coal has a purpose.Its goal isto burnitalldown.To bring lightand heatand go outin a cascadeof sparks.So who needs diamondswhen you can be the flame?Perfection is not a treasure huntor a journeyor a marathon.It is a performance,and I am tired of playing pretend.I will not give up my fireto be pressured intoa shiny thingthat only holds as much valueas the men arounddecide to give to it.I am more.I am a universe of firecontainedin the dark.I am good.I am very good.I am good enough.

Photo by Blaque X on UnsplashAbout the Poet:Stella is a second-gen KA who lives in Southern California. She has a passing interest in most things, and a passionate interest in justice, literature, representation in media, education, food, pop culture, crafting, and all things cute. She is addicted to personality tests, but never agrees with the results.




True Love Waits