Origin Story (Ep. 1)

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We’re thrilled to launch the brand new PAAC Podcast! As Lydia and Liz say in the show, this is a project they had been wanting to do for months. And whether you call it divine intervention or just remarkable timing, the stars aligned to make it happen.

Today’s episode is about origin stories. How Lydia and Liz met, how the PAAC Facebook group and podcast came to be, and looking ahead, what they aspire for the future.

We want this podcast to be an extension of the Progressive Asian American Christian community. To that end, please subscribe to the podcast, spread the word to your friends and family, and let us know what you’d like to hear on the show. We would also be very grateful if you helped others discover the show by leaving a rating and review on iTunes.

Thank you to everyone who helped put this podcast together. And special thanks to all the members of the PAAC Facebook community, who have created a space and community where people feel at home.

Thank you all for listening!

PAAC Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ProgressiveAAChristians/ 

Page: https://www.facebook.com/PAACpodcast/

PAAC Conference 2017: http://progressiveasianamericanchristians.org/

Liz’s articles:

“The Loneliness of the Progressive Asian American Christian,” http://thesaltcollective.org/loneliness-progressive-asian-american-christian/

"Still a Progressive Asian American Christian, Now a Lot Less Lonely,” http://thesaltcollective.org/still-progressive-asian-american-christian-now-lot-less-lonely/

Twitter: @paacpodcastEmail: progressiveaachristians @ gmail . com

Music:Liquid Memories - LucidPorter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter

Subscribe to the podcast!iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-paac-podcast/id1243306853Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/david-chang/the-paac-podcastGoogle Play: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Iuufwrbkq6dp7eewr3xodbnvfyq 


Forging Our Identity (Ep. 2)