Minisoda #1: Rainier Cherries and the “Perfect Child”

A bowl of Rainier cherries on a dining table
Rainier cherries, native to the PNW

There’s so much to snacc on in every recording session, and not all of the tasty morsels make it past the edits. This month, SPAAC SNACC shares its first minisode (or “minisoda,” if you will) featuring a conversation between Pauline and her mom, Terri, who reminisce about how Pauline used to be the perfect, compliant child and how seaweed used to remind her of Christopher Columbus.  

This conversation was originally recorded for our second episode, “Gochujang and School Lunches,” released on July 18, 2019. 

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Logo: Kellie Komorita-Martell
Audio production: Thomas Yang
Music: Aya T Sato
Hosted by: Diverging Magazine

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