Lent Day 37 | John 20:19-31

Today's reading: John 20:19-31

OpeningDear God,Thank you for this day as we near the conclusion of Lent. Help remind us that it is through your example that we seek justice, and through you we find hope. But also help us remember that even you took a day of rest, and that we too, can rest as well.AmenReflectionSo here we are, almost to the finish line. If you have given something up or taken something on, congrats! You’re almost there!Today’s reading is John 20:19-31, also known as the story of Doubting Thomas. Jesus has just risen from the dead, but Thomas insists that, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Think about this for a second. This is someone who Jesus has hand-selected to accompany him on his journeys, and who has borne witness to countless miracles and, more than anyone, should believe in the possibility that Jesus has risen, as he promised.And yet, he doesn’t. But Jesus isn’t vindictive about Thomas’s lack of faith. He doesn’t shun Thomas, but instead comes to him, and accepts him as he is.You are enough. Say it to yourself, aloud.

I am enough.

Say it again, and again, and as many times as you need to. It’s hard being enough - American enough, or being Chinese enough. Living up to cultural expectations, not good enough grades, not good enough work, not high enough salary, not a good enough marriage, not changing our world fast enough, etc.If we continue down this road, we’ll burn out. Being enough doesn’t mean we aren’t flawed, or that we don’t have baggage. And this story isn’t supposed to push us to have unshakable faith in God. We doubt because there is so much hurt in this world, school shootings, police killings, corrupt governments-the list can go on forever. It is tiring to read the news, it is tiring to fight. But the point is that Jesus is willing to meet us as we are, regardless of who we are and how the world perceives us. Maybe there are days we lose faith about how we can change things - but Jesus is there anyway. Yes, “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed,” but blessed also are those who are like doubting Thomas. Because it is when we doubt and demand answers, that we need Jesus the most.ClosingHow can we pursue justice, but remember to come back to Jesus at the end of the day and find rest?

Created by: Audrey ChuaAbout the author: Hello! Born and raised in SoCal. I'm an unapologetic nerd, fangirl, literary geek, dedicated moviegoer, and adventurer in my hometown of Los Angeles.Image by: Elizabeth TsungAbout the artist: Cat mama. Serving Jesus. Obsessed with carbs.Website | Instagram


Lent Day 38 | John 21


Lent Day 36 | John 20:1-18