I Didn’t Know I was Queer (Ep. 26)

Photo by Sherry Lu Photography

Aimee had a conservative upbringing in Taiwan, where gender roles were strictly enforced, both at home and school. It wasn’t until her early adulthood when she was living in the United States with her husband and child that she fully embraced her queer identity. In this episode, Aimee shares about her journey both from Asia to America and into her sexual identity and how it all fits with her roles as mom, wife, immigrant, editor, publisher, story teller, and PAAC. Thanks for listening!

Diverging Magazine: https://diverging.paachristians.org/

PAAC Conference 2019: https://paachristians.org/conference-2019/


Ikson - Early Hours

Aletro - Secure

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"Radical love is a love so extreme it dissolves our existing boundaries, whether they are boundaries that separate us from other people, that separate us from preconceived notions of sexuality and gender identity, or that separate us from God.” - Rev. Patrick S. Cheng 

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Day 13 - Movement and Ritual


Day 12 - The Mountaintop