Episode 2: Gochujang and School Lunches

Garrett Chan holding a plate of spam at a picnic table outside
Garrett Chan, spam, and sunshine at SPAAC's 2nd anniversary.

Asians and school lunch - a tale of trauma, nostalgia, or both? In this episode, SPAAC’s very own public school teacher extraordinaire Garrett Chan joins us as a special guest to muse over our lunchtime memories. We discover that Asian lunches have now become “cool for school,” and we come to a stunning revelation about Lunchables.

More SPAAC news includes celebrating our 2nd anniversary and SPAAC church launching in August. Also, we’re snacking on cute baby videos, Adulting, and more!

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Logo: Kellie Komorita-Martell
Audio production: Thomas Yang
Hosted by:
Diverging Magazine

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